Thursday, January 7, 2010

Im So Bored Of Club Penguin Im Bored And Its Still A Little Daylight And I Dont Know What To Do?

Im bored and its still a little daylight and I dont know what to do? - im so bored of club penguin

What others can watch TV, Wii, and games? Im so bored and do not tell me, my friends call cuz theres no one around!


Happy Go Lucky said...

What to watch TV anywhere in the world?

Rwag said...

There are several things you can do, for example, if you live in the city, you can go somewhere and play paintball at paintball, or fly an RC airplane. There's more to life than electronics. (nothing wrong with a few games, but I am not it?)

shawty is a ten :] said...

wow ur butt! Just go to play pontless or to have a lot of games. or because you do not want to go on the computer go to the movies:]

Trenton S said...

Mabey I just could not think and dream of the day, or even to draw

abilicio... said...

well, you should be after dark TPing ... TP = toilet paper ... If you do not know

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