Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bali Good Hotel Do You Think It's A Good Idea To Build A Hotel-casino-golfcourse In Bali?

Do you think it's a good idea to build a hotel-casino-golfcourse in Bali? - bali good hotel

I have heard that Bali has recovered very well Eversince the attack, and the area is very good. But do you think about a hotel-casino with a golf course and theme parks of May, or is it something that tourists want something?

Despite a mega-project, which only U.S. $ 180 million estimated. Should I invest my time and to find investors? Do not know where or how I might go about the search for investors? (with the exception of Donald Trump!)


Melissa K said...

hell yeah, let me know if you and I will not assess a day spa that would be really cool on the side of investors in other things, perhaps talk to a financial adviser, you may be lucky in the right direction point hope it works for you

Satch Boogie said...

I'm not really that part of the world, only a very small fraction of the cost, why not try in Serbia and Croatia to invest. These people are the sport and only sport that appears not to have taken the decision yet. These counties, I believe, are ripe for harvest in time, and I think that anyone with the balls to invest in a golf course, the harvest Reep. The land is very cheap and labor costs would be minimal.

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